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By Fr. Tom Zelinski, OFM Cap.

I am fascinated by the perception of time. Time seems to move fast or slow, depending on our experience. Earlier this week someone expressed surprise that next Sunday is Palm Sunday already. How can that be? Where has Lent gone? Lent is a common example of time passing quickly or slowly. At Ash Wednesday Lent seems a long time ahead of us. But often Holy Week approaches with a certain suddenness, especially if we feel we didn’t do enough “for Lent.”

Time really doesn’t exist. There is no “thing” called “time” floating around in the air. By custom, we have decided to measure our human journey with clocks and calendars.

Looking backward, time may have seemed to pass quickly. But it is remarkable how long a minute can seem, for example, as I am standing at the back of church, waiting to walk in for Mass.

Teachers of prayer and meditation invite us to focus on the present moment because that’s all we have. Of course, the present moment is hard to nail down because it keeps changing! The danger is, if we look too much to the past, it can trigger unnecessary guilt or regret. If we look to the future, we can worry about things that may never happen.

We live in time. We walk through time. But in any present moment is where we are to pay attention to our own thoughts and feelings and to the presence of God.

Seeing Jesus

By Fr. Tom Zelinski, OFM Cap.

In the Gospel for the 5th Sunday of Lent, some visitors approach the disciples and ask to see Jesus.  When they tell Jesus this, he does not seem to respond directly, but starts talking about his “hour” and the things he will have to do. He also uses the important image of the seed falling to the ground to die in order for new life to come forth.

He is talking about himself and what will happen to him. But maybe that is how we are to “see Jesus.”  We see him in doing what he has to do.  We watch him as he faces his accusers and accepts their verdict.

We all would like to “see Jesus.” And that is a part of our spiritual experience — not to see him as a man standing in front of us, but to see him in his works and see him in the people around us.

We are to see him also in the “hours” that we face: those things that happen to us, often unexpected, in which we are something like the seed falling to earth and then bringing forth new life.  We die and rise many times in a symbolic way before our final departure from this life.

“We want to see Jesus.” Yes, we do.  We keep watching, searching, allowing ourselves to see him especially in the persons around us.  We see him in the events of our lives, perhaps when we would least expect to find him.

Lenten Gospels

By Fr. Tom Zelinski, OFM Cap.

As Lent comes around each year, I recall the lesson I learned some years ago. I was already a priest for about 30 years, and this struck me as new knowledge. It was always there, but how would I know “unless someone shows me?”

This is about the Gospel passages we use in the lectionary for Lenten weekdays. Starting with Ash Wednesday and going through the first three weeks of Lent, our Gospel readings are from the synoptic Gospels: Matthew, Mark, and Luke. They are lessons in discipleship: things we are to learn and do as followers of Jesus.

One author points out that the Gospel teachings are ideals that most of us will never fulfill. He says that is good for us: we fall short and recognize our weakness and our continued need for a Savior. He talks about “compunction,” an old word that is related to “puncturing.” Our egos are punctured as we recognize the grace and mercy of God are gifts, and that we are not finally in charge of our spiritual lives.

Then, beginning with Monday of the 4th week of Lent, the Gospel readings are from John, focusing on the person and the mystery of Jesus Christ. We center on our relationship with him as we move closer to Holy Week and Easter.

I find that to be a handy outline for my own prayer and reflection on the scriptures for Lent. I pray that we all grow and deepen in our relationship with Christ.

Morning of Reflection: May it Be Done to Me

We will reflect on Mary the Mother of Jesus as a primary example of prayer. We will consider various ways of praying based on her example of receiving the Word of God and cooperating with the Holy Spirit. The presentation will be by Fr Tom Zelinski OFM Cap. 

Please join us for optional 8:00 am Mass. Registration will begin at 9:00 am, with the program beginning at 9:15 am. There will be two sessions with the program ending before noon. Coffee, tea and snacks will be available.

Registration is required. Please register by calling (248) 651-4826 to reserve your spot. Please wear a mask or face covering.

Recommended donation is $35 per person.

Morning of Reflection: Rise from the Dead

Where did he go? The tomb is empty! Jesus Christ is risen from the dead and is calling each of us to new life. Easter is a season filled with joy and calls us all to enter into the life of resurrection. Resurrection is all around us. What may look like an empty place in our hearts and lives may be the initial signs of new life. We invite you to come for our Easter day of reflection and to recognize the signs of Resurrection that call us to rise from the dead and find new meaning and purpose in the risen Lord.

Registration is required. Please register by calling (248) 651-4826 to reserve your spot. Please wear a mask or face covering.

Optional Mass at 8:00 am in the Chapel. Registration begins at 9:00 am. The program begins promptly at 9:15 am.

Recommended donation is $35 per person.

Morning of Reflection

The morning of reflection will be led by Fr. Tom Zelinski, OFM Cap. “Repentance” is a word we often use in connection with Lent. Its real meaning is more than turning away from sin or making sacrifices for Lent. It really deals with a change of mind and heart; we are called to change our way of thinking in response to the call of God in the Gospel.

On this morning we will consider how we are called to change all through our lives: sometimes we choose to change and sometimes changes are given to us. Please join us for optional 8:00 am Mass in the Chapel. Registration will begin at 9:00 am, with the program beginning at 9:15 am. There will be coffee, tea, and snacks. There will be two morning sessions with the program ending before noon.

Registration is required, please call Capuchin Retreat at (248) 651-4826 to reserve your place.

Suggested donation is $35.

Lenten Morning of Reflection

Lent begins in winter and moves toward spring. Winter can be cold; sometimes we may feel spiritually cold. But the warmth of God’s grace is always there for us.  On this morning we will reflect on our Lenten repentance, and on the grace and love of God which are always available to us.

The morning will be led by Fr. Jim Andres, OFM Cap. Please join us for optional 8:00 am Mass. Registration will begin at 9:00 am, with the program beginning at 9:15 am. There will be coffee, tea, and snacks. Fr. Jim will then lead two morning sessions with the program ending before noon.

Registration is required, please call Capuchin Retreat at 248 651-4826 to reserve your place.

Suggested donation is $35.

Who Are We?

By Fr. Tom Zelinski, OFM Cap.

After the recent attack on the National Capitol, several people said “This is not who we are.” Well, if “we” means everybody, all the citizens, then in part, at least, it is who we are. Some of “us,” our brothers and sisters, decided to resort to force to challenge the peaceful transition of power. This peaceful transition has been a hallmark of this country.

There have been other contested elections, leading to some underlying anger I am sure, but none of the parties resorted to violent force to try to change things. There is something stirring in “us,” the people, that is unhealthy and dangerous.

Among other things, there seems to be an ever-present streak of racism in this backlash. Historically, there have been other occasions when people of color or ethnic minorities seemed to be gaining some deserved power in society, where there has been a white backlash against them.

Who are we? We who claim to be Christian and followers of Jesus are to see all people as our brothers and sisters. How are we doing? It is again for each of us to look deep inside and see if there are roots of fear and prejudice.

If I am white, how really do I feel about people of darker skin? If I am of dark skin, how do I feel about white people? (Some fear might be understandable.) If I am a man, how do I feel about women gaining more of their deserved freedom and power? We could go on to thoughts about religion, sexual orientation, or other designations.

When people say “this is not who we are,” we are called by Christ to examine who we truly are, and look to him for guidance, wisdom, and healing.

Baptism of Jesus

By Fr. Tom Zelinski, OFM Cap.

We close the Christmas Season with the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. I’m sure, as this day comes along each year, some people ask, “Why would Jesus have to be baptized?” Traditionally we have connected baptism with the removal of “original sin,” as well as our entry into the Church. Also, in the Bible the baptism of John is called a “baptism of repentance.” In view of all of this, why would Jesus have to be baptized?

First of all, there is no “have to,” no necessity in Jesus being baptized. We should see this event as symbolizing something that God, in Christ, chose to do. It continues what we have been celebrating at Christmas time: Incarnation, Emmanuel, God with us. Jesus came to be with us in our human experience. And so he asked John to baptize him as a way of showing that he is truly with us.

Our way of being with Jesus begins with our baptism. Jesus was proclaimed the beloved Son in whom God is well pleased. We share in that: each of us is a beloved daughter or son of God. It is important to truly believe that. We have value simply in being human beings, sons and daughters of God. In difficult moments maybe we forget that, or lose sight of our basic value.

Whatever our experience, Jesus stands shoulder to shoulder with us on the journey. That is very much the meaning of why he participated in the baptism of John.

The Sign of the Cross

By Fr. Tom Zelinski, OFM Cap.

We are in the beginning of a New Year. It is the custom of Catholics to begin and end many things with the Sign of the Cross. I believe that it is good for us to stop and take a look at things that are very familiar to us. There is a danger that they might become too familiar, and easily passed over.

I suggest that when we make the Sign of the Cross, we do it consciously and deliberately. Sometimes, to see the gesture made by some people, we can apply the joking phrase, “the swatting of flies!”  We must not judge, of course, but we can observe.

At the baptism of a child, parents and godparents are invited to sign the child on the forehead with a Sign of the Cross as a way of welcoming the child into the Church. So we are signed with the Sign of Christ from the beginning. It is also a reminder that our bodies, and not only our spirits, are to live in service of Christ in the world.

In normal times, when we enter the church building, we use holy water and sign ourselves as a reminder of our baptism. And so we ought to consciously and deliberately touch our forehead, our chest, and our shoulders, reminding ourselves that, as Christians, whatever we do, it is done under the Sign of the Cross of Christ.

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