In his epistles, St. Paul exhorts us to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17).
Prayer, study and reflection are powerful tools to bring us closer to the Lord, and increase our knowledge and love of self. God’s love for us is unconditional, yet we too often fail to see and cultivate the beauty within ourselves. As part of our spiritual growth, and in an effort to become better disciples of Jesus, taking time for self-development, through prayer, study and contemplation, is critically important. It prepares us to open ourselves to receive Jesus’ outpouring of grace and love.
At Capuchin Retreat, we offer visitors the space and peace they need for contemplation and self-study, free from noise and distraction. Our library of books and other materials are available for your reading and reflection to help you cultivate your spirituality and renew your relationship with Jesus, with yourself, and with others.