Capuchin Retreat depends on prayer, volunteer work and financial donations to continue its ministry. Give now


Make Capuchin Retreat your Franciscan home for your next hosted event. These events are run by outside presenters, however our staff of Capuchin friars can be available for sacramental needs. Opportunities exist for a single or recurring events.

Examples of hosted events include:

  • Parish days of reflection
  • Specialized retreats (e.g., Kairos, Cursillo, Life Teen, Beloved, etc.)
  • Fellowship and Advocacy groups (e.g., Alcoholics Anonymous, reentry programs, SVDP meetings, Boy/Girl Scouts of America, etc.)
  • Group retreats (e.g. Archdiocese of Detroit, religious orders, Fisherman’s Net, etc.)

Our Wi-Fi infrastructure supports live streaming. You may bring your own equipment or inquire about using our system (email or call our office for details).

Smiling man attending a session at Capuchin Retreat


A minimum of 25 people is required to host your group here!

  • $175.00 per day per person (includes room and 3 meals).

Day programs (no bedrooms, one meal):

  • $40.00 per person for 25 people or more.
  • For groups under 25 people, a room fee may be applied.

Bedroom only (no meals):

  • $100.00 per day/night.

Day programs with no meals or bedrooms:

  • $25.00 per person. A Conference room fee may be accessed for large groups,
  • Pease contact the office at (248) 651-4826 for additional information.

Complete the form below to request more information and a consultation regarding your hosted retreat.

  • Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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