Weeds and Wheat
Capuchin Retreat
By Fr. Tom Zelinski, OFM Cap.
In the Gospel for the 16th Sunday, Series A, we have more parables, including the story of the weeds and wheat growing up together. Jesus gives a simple explanation about the story: basically there will be good and bad people living in the world and God will allow that until the end when a judgment will be made (Matthew 13:24-43).
I like to see something else in this image. Besides seeing the parable as being about the Church or the world, I like to see it as an image of the human person.
Each of us is a mixture of many experiences, thoughts, and feelings. We try to be good people, but we also know that we have various faults and failings, and, let’s say it, sins. We are like the field containing both weeds and wheat.
It would be nice if we could simply get rid of all faults and things which stir our guilt and be totally pure and good. But most likely we will be like the field in our Gospel as long as we walk the earth. And that is why we pray and try to lead a spiritual life and often turn to God for mercy. We pray “Lord, have mercy” at every Eucharist, and we say “I am not worthy.” Amen to that.
But part of our maturing as members of the Body of Christ is to hold and accept all that we are, weeds and wheat, forgive ourselves and believe and trust that God loves us just as we are and keeps inviting us to change and grow.