Capuchin Retreat depends on prayer, volunteer work and financial donations to continue its ministry. Give now

Midweek Silent Retreat for Men and Women: “Gospel Characters”

“Among all the Scriptures, even those of the New Testament, the Gospels have a special preeminence, and rightly so, for they are the principal witness for the life and teaching of the incarnate Word, our Savior.”

— Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation, Paragraph 18.

When we read the gospels, the good news of God’s salvation as revealed by Jesus Christ, we tend to focus on Jesus’ teachings and actions. We want Jesus to shape our lives so that we can live most fully aligned with God’s will. That makes us good disciples and followers of Jesus.

Yet another way we can strengthen our discipleship is to notice the other characters in the gospel stories and see how God works in and through them. How do they receive their call from Christ? How do they respond to it? What happens after these characters have a personal encounter with Jesus? How does their discipleship affect their families and communities? What allows them face ridicule and danger with faith?

Join us as we delve into the stories of those whose lives were linked to Jesus Christ in the Gospel. If by their connection to Jesus, they experienced transformation, conversion, and strength in their faith, so can we!

Sign up today to go on a silent weekend retreat with the Gospel Characters such as Matthew, Mary of Nazareth, the Samaritan woman, the Blind Bartimaeus, Zacchaeus, Mary Magdalene, and a few others.

Midweek Mixed Retreat: “In the Footsteps of St. Francis of Assisi”

Join us midweek for a retreat open to all at Capuchin Retreat.

Our theme for the 2023-24 season is: “In the footsteps of St. Francis of Assisi.” By delving into our Franciscan tradition, we will unravel the life of St. Francis and explore key events in his conversion and ministry. Through his life, the weekend retreat will be an opportunity to know St. Francis more deeply and to recognize those opportunities of grace in your own life…deepening your awareness of God’s loving presence and embracing the Gospel with evermore joy.

The total cost of the retreat is $250

Here’s the schedule for the weekend:


6:30 pm Registration

7:30 Welcome/Orientation in the Dining Room

8:30 Opening Prayer & Conference #1 – St. Francis Kisses the Leper


8:00 am Mass in Chapel

8:45 Breakfast

10:00 Conference #2 – San Damiano Cross speaks to St. Francis of Assisi

11:15 Conference #3 – St. Francis encounters Christ in the Christmas Crib

12:30 pm Dinner

2:30 Rosary in the Chapel (led by Volunteer)

3:00 Conference #4 – St. Francis meets the Sultan

4:00 Sacrament of Reconciliation in the offices

5:30 Supper

7:00 Healing Service in Chapel & Eucharistic Adoration


8:00 am Breakfast

9:00 Morning Prayer in Chapel

9:30 Conference #5 – St. Francis & the Canticle of Creatures

11:00 Sunday Mass

12:00 noon Dinner and farewell

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