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Getting it Together

May 26, 2020
Capuchin Retreat

By Fr. Tom Zelinski, OFM Capuchin

Since Ascension Day, I have been thinking about the behavior of the disciples as mentioned in the First Reading and the Gospel of the feast. In the First Reading they are asking Jesus if he is going to restore the Kingdom of Israel. It sounds like they still did not understand that Jesus was not about to restore an earthly kingdom.

Even after all his teaching, they still didn’t “get it.” (Acts 1:6) Then in the Gospel it says they “worshiped, but they doubted” as they met Jesus again after the Resurrection. (Matthew 28:16-20) Doubted what? That this was really Jesus with them? Doubted his message? Doubted what they had seen in his healing ministry?

In other words, at this time, as Jesus was about to physically leave, and he was about to hand on his mission to them, they still did not “have it all together.” They were a work in progress. They had yet to experience Pentecost. But all this is to remind us that no one is an “instant saint.” These men and women had to deepen and grow in their relationship with God in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Does that sound familiar? Some of us, even at an advanced age — and I include myself — remain works in progress and don’t “have it all together.” The Holy Spirit continues to work in us, using even our weakness and mistakes to do some good in the world. “After all these years I should be more charitable, patient, hopeful, kind, should be better at praying.” Yes. Amen.

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