Grow as a disciple. Renew your faith. Deepen your spirituality.
At our monthly Mornings of Reflection, gain a deeper insight on faith from a Franciscan perspective. Topics vary by month. This month’s topic is “Becoming Easter People” and it will be presented by Fr. Tom Zelinski, OFM Cap.
St. Augustine said, “We are Easter people and Alleluia is our song!” One way of being Easter People is to reflect in our lives on the roles of the Risen One. When we are anointed at Baptism we are told “As Christ was anointed Priest, Prophet, and King, so may you always live as a member of his body, sharing everlasting life.” On this day we will reflect on how our lives can participate in those aspects of Jesus’ life and mission.
We invite you to join us this month to explore this topic in depth.
Registration is required, please call Capuchin Retreat at (248) 651-4826 to reserve your place.
The suggested donation is $40. There will be coffee, tea, and snacks available and we will serve lunch as well.