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August 18, 2020
Capuchin Retreat
Woman wearing face mask

By Fr. Tom Zelinski, OFM Cap.

The former CBS commentator, Andy Rooney, would often begin his comments with: “Did you ever wonder . . . ?” I wonder about a lot of things. Maybe you do, too.

During this year I wonder at the behavior of some people. I wonder at the goodness of some and the not so goodness of others. For all the kindness and compassion we have seen, there has also been far too much anger, violence, division and a kind of craziness. For example there have been the fights and even killing over the wearing of masks. Some people have seemed to stand on their rights not to be told what to do while not considering the rights of others or not respecting the common good. People have clung to divisions and differences: too much “us against them.”

The Franciscan Richard Rohr has reminded us that there is no European air, or American air, or African air, or Chinese air. There is simply air, made up of oxygen and nitrogen, which we all breathe. We are all made of the same chemical and biological building blocks. Why all the difference and rancor and division? We are all free to pray “Our Father.” Which would make us all brothers and sisters. I wonder. Do you wonder, too?

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